neiman marcus

Dazzling Gifts


Dazzling gifts  Note: Price may not reflect current sale prices. Price and availability at locations may be subject to change. A FINER STAY Retreat…

Man Up! Men’s Style for Women


Women wear the pants around here. So we’re delighted to report that this fall, Prada, Vince, Rag & Bone and Cucinelli are giving girls standout style inspired by their male counterparts. Autumn is in the air with a cool stew of leather, suede, fur, tweed and cashmere in shades of gray (ha!), emerald, mustard, burgundy and brown. Get ready to swap your bikini for a Cucinelli cashmere sweater.

The art of window dressing


“I always wear rubber bands. I usually have like 20. These are my jewelry,” says Tom Beebe, vice president of creative services at HMX Group, the holding company behind major retail brands like Hart Schaffner & Marx, Hickey Freeman and Bobby Jones. You can also call him the right-hand man to designer Joseph Abboud, who serves as president and chief creative officer of HMX.