January 3, 2012<July 7, 2012 TRAVELS WITH ‘CHARLIE’ by Staff by Kelly Liyakasa When your name is Jeff Bridges, irony can be expected. The fact that you sport faded blue jeans and prayer beads on…
November 21, 2011<July 7, 2012 THE CASHMERE PHILOSOPHER by Zoe Zellers “I was walking up Fifth Avenue,” fashion designer Joseph Abboud says, “and I’m watching this guy walking towards me, and I see one of…
November 12, 2011<July 12, 2012 TWO FOR THE (HORSE) SHOW by Staff by Jane K. Dove Basking in the bright glow of a perfect autumn afternoon, the meticulously maintained Heritage Farm in Somers bustles with equine and…
October 12, 2011<July 7, 2012 LEGENDS OF THE FALL by Georgette Gouveia “What becomes a legend most?” the Blackglama mink ads asked. We like to think it’s integrity, creativity, passion, the courage to express yourself and…
October 5, 2011<July 7, 2012 THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT! by Georgette Gouveia Long gone are the days, celebrated in most every Jane Austen novel, when a dinner party filled with sparkling conversation and good food and…