Comfortable in her own


The Skin Regime: Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin” reveals simple truths and formulas that will get your skin in shape in just weeks—the way a fitness regime would get your body in shape if you worked out for several weeks. Think of it as “boot camp for the skin,” says author and WAG contributor Dana Ramos.

Cultivating a legacy


The roots of the collaboration between the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture and Blue Hill at Stone Barns in Pocantico Hills run deep. Both are committed to improving the understanding of the way we eat – and the importance of sustainable farming.

Classic Greenwich style


With some of the most impressive colonial, shingle-style, Tudor and English architecture in the country, Greenwich homes have come to epitomize classic suburban America. And no one captures the essence of Greenwich style better than award- winning interior designer Cindy Rinfret, owner of Rinfret Ltd., a leading design firm in Greenwich.