Search Results for:

when your child is gay

The eyes have it

Does the male gaze trump the female one in the arts and what is meant by a male and a female gaze anyway?

Fascinating Women

If there’s one thing we quickly learned in the search for Westchester and Fairfield’s most fascinating women, it was that we were going to be hard put to keep the list to 40.

Camping it up at The Met

“Camp: Notes on Fashion,” The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s new Costume Institute exhibit, has some hot artistic hunks and elegant threads, a provocative idea and plenty of pink. But by pitching too big a tent, the show’s theme eludes it.

Funny & talented

Megan Mullally and Stephanie Hunt have an eclectic band, Nancy And Beth. Just don’t forget to capitalize the “A.”

WAG’s fascinating men

Ever fantasize about the perfect man? Can there be such a thing? We scoured our archives, memories and experiences and found more fascinating men than we could fit in this issue. Here’s a sampling.

The remains of James Ivory’s days

At 89 and fresh off an Oscar win, director James Ivory of Merchant Ivory fame remains true to his credo – “follow your instincts and make films about things that interest you.”

Blossom bliss on Nantucket

A summer on bloom-laced Nantucket becomes the “Best Hour” of Wanderer Jeremy Wayne’s life, not to mention those of his 13-year-old twins.

The ripeness of the older woman

In a world where women are still treated like commodities, older women are seen as past the sell-by date. But what appears to be the end for them may only be the beginning.

An Old Saybrook welcome

At the Saybrook Point Inn Marina & Spa in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, the vacation experience transcends the traditional amenities.