December 2020

Editor’s Letter


The complementary coolness of William and Kate; Dr. Anthony Fauci’s truth-telling; John Oliver’s “feud” with Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton: They’re all part of WAG’s December “Visions of Light,” all about brightening the season indoors, outdoors and within the heart.

In the moment


A crash course in yoga and meditation with model-turned-yogi Janelle Berger reveals how pertinent they are in the age of Covid.

John Oliver does Danbury


A “feud” between John Oliver, host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver,” and Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton results in some publicity for the city – and cash for Connecticut charities.

Book ’em, Diane


“I don’t know or care what’s on the best-seller lists” says Greenwich bookseller Diane Garrett. “The only thing I care about is my customers and what’s the best book for them.”

On the ‘Big Road’


“The thing with different styles of music is I’ve always ignored them,” says musician-songwriter David Bromberg, a Tarrytown native. “I do what the hell I want.”

Let there be lighting


There is something for every taste as our thoughts turn naturally to lighting in a season in which the days have grown shorter and in a stay-at-home moment that finds us all feathering our nests.