White Plains

Dazzling Gifts


Dazzling gifts  Note: Price may not reflect current sale prices. Price and availability at locations may be subject to change. A FINER STAY Retreat…

Save the (shopping) dates


Those who like to shop for things a bit out of the ordinary, things with a decidedly artistic flair, will want to save some time during the weekend of Oct. 12-14. That’s when the 19th annual Westchester Fine Craft Show comes to the Westchester County Center in White Plains.

In store


August WAG cover guys Jesus and Antonio Estrada launched Marteal & Estrada, their new White Plains store, in the midst of one of those rainstorms that only the onset of early fall can produce.

Twin peaks


When it comes to a shopping experience that’s a class act, WAG country has a pair of options that immediately comes to mind – The Westchester in White Plains and Greenwich’s namesake, Greenwich Avenue. We take another look.