Lovers of birds, butterflies and other pollinators will enjoy a feast for nature – hundreds of perennials, shrubs and trees favored by wildlife – at Westchester Community College’s Native Plant Sale Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Valhalla campus, across from Parking Lot No. 1, off Grasslands Road.
At the sale you’ll find plants that support wildlife with berries, seeds or nectar such as serviceberry, grasses and trumpet honeysuckle and about 100 other species and varieties. As always, the sale will offer enduring garden favorites like phlox, coralbells and milkweed, an important host plant for the imperiled monarch butterfly.
Native plant specialists will be on hand to answer questions and assist you in choosing great options for your site. Admission is free. For more, call 914-606-7870 or visit – edited by Georgette Gouveia