APRIL 2020



Barbara Barton Sloane wanders through Bauhaus-accented Germany as the country continues to celebrate the centenary of the influential design school

Variation on a savory treat


The vegan breakfast crepe known as dosa is a favorite of the residents of Kerala, India and What’s Cooking columnist Rajni Menon. Here she offers her take on the classic and her mother’s accompanying chutney.

Have pet, will exhale


The next time your community is holding a “clear the animal shelters” adoption program, psychotherapist Dana Dorfman says, you just may want to consider acquiring a pet – for your own good.

Allergic to Fido and Fluffy


If your love for your pet is giving you the sniffles and the itches, there are ways to keep your relationship – and your health, says dermatologist Suzanne Friedler.